Sunday, October 02, 2005

Ellsworth Air Force Base Stays Open in the Black Hills

Hello........I am Duane Hosek..........Creator of this blog. I am a Realtor in Rapid City, the largest town in Western South Dakota with a population of about 75,000 people. I hope this blog will provide information to anyone in the world who would like to know about our Black Hills area. This is where Mount Rushmore is located as well as the largest herd of bison (buffalo) are located.
Our military base was on the Pentagon's closure list and we were able to get organized and have been removed from that list. Our base employs about 4,500 military personnel and several hundred civilian jobs as well. The months of June, July and August were very slow in sales of homes, land, and commercial real estate. However since the announcement that we are keeping our Air Base, sales have picked up to normal again.
I invite you to my website at where you can view homes, or land by price range here in the Black Hills. Also, feel free to e-mail me anytime at if you would like to know more about the area and are perhaps interested in moving here or finding a 2nd home, etc.
Well, this is my first entry, so I will leave it at that. Hope to hear your comments if you have ever visited the Beautiful Hills here and wish you all the best.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Duane! Good to see your online keeping us up to date with local real estate.

How's the real estate market currently doing? I seem to see sales come through about 2-3 weeks after the sales are done.

The market boomed the day they announced the base wasnt closing. But what is it doing now?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 9:41:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello jarrett...Hello........Thanks for the question. The market is still very active right now. Interest rates are still incredibly low and there is alot of product on the market for sale. The market is not flooded with homes for sale, as was the case before anyone knew if EAFB was going to remain open or close. If you would like me to e-mail you some listings of homes for sale around the Black Hills, just let me know..........duane

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:52:00 PM


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