Wednesday, July 11, 2007

7-11-07 Real Estate in Rapid City - Black Hills of South Dakota

Today was a rather slow day. Did alot of prospecting. The big news in the area is how the old Homestake Gold Mine in Lead, South Dakota was chosen as the new site for scientific research for neutrinos. We were in competition with several other sites all over the USA. This is going to be HUGE for our area. There will be hundreds of shoot off companies, researches and businesses that will be tied in to this project.

I talked yesterday to a Realtor in Lead and he said that he had 3 deals put together of people that were sitting on the fence trying to decide if they wanted to buy any real estate. The announcement of the new Science Research Center got them "off the fence" and into the buying mood.

Generally in the Black Hills this past week it seems that there are alot of sellers and few buyers. Which makes this a great buyer's market with sellers lowering their prices and/or accepting lower offers.

Catch ya all tomorrow............ WWW.DUANEHOSEK.COM


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