Monday, August 27, 2007

A friend in need..........

Hello everyone,
Today I worked 2 hours at the office and 6 hours helping a friend. His trailer home was totalled by softball (not baseball) sized hail a couple of weeks ago. His car was totalled, the trailer was totalled, water was pouring in during the storm through his light fixtures. Everything was wet, moldy, was a nightmare.
Five of us met him at his home with our pickup trucks and had all his possessions hauled to a storage unit. He was so thankful and took us out to eat at a great steak house. He couldn't thank us enough for the hard work we had done which he could not have afforded to hire someone else to do.
When I got back to my office at 7:30 PM I had 7 messages on my cell phone, 24 e-mail messages and several papers on my desk that need tending to. But you know what. I felt better today than if I would have sold a dozen homes. You just can't put a price on the feeling you get in helping other people. Do I like my paychecks. Heck yeah! But helping a friend is a blessing and I was glad I could help.
Duane Hosek in the Black Hills of South Dakota duanehosek@hotmail


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