Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Thanks a million.....

Hello Everyone,

I have only been involved with blogs during the past few months. Is this the best thing in the world or what? I have heard for a couple of years at least that blogs were the "cat's meow" and now I totally agree.
I have learned more in this blog and hearing from other professionals than I have in all the required courses I take to keep my real estate license up to date. The best thing is the day-to-day applications that these blogs refer to. Real stuff that is happening to real people right now. I look forward to reading and commenting to other's blogs every night, while I am watching some mindless tv show. To me, these blogs are like reading the local newspaper. It isn't about local events in my community where I live, but it is DEFINATELY about local events in my cyberspace real estate community.
So, a huge thank you for everyone that reads my blogs, everyone that writes blogs and to the networks that started these blogs. A thousand blessing on you all.
Duane Hosek in the Black Hills of South Dakota


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