Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ever have one of those days in the Ellsworth AFB area of South Dakota

Wow.........What a day.
Started off with putting in an offer on a nice home. Several phone calls from buyers and sellers. Water test needed on a log home I sold this week. Review home inspection report from a previous buyer. More phone calls. A quick lunch with a friend at Pizza Hut. Approving ads for 3 real estate magazines. Turn down a lunch with another client because I was meeting my friend. More phone calls. Prepare cash-flow analysis on an 8-plex a client wants to put on the market.......etc. etc. etc.
Thank goodness I have a part time licensed real estate assistant. Seems like more and more Realtors are hiring licensed and unlicensed real estate assistants here in the Black Hills of South Dakota. They are worth every dime once your business reaches that level where you need one. When do you know you need an assistant? When the quality of work and the time you give your present clients starts to suffer. When your budget allows this to happen. When you know you could be making alot more sales if you found someone to handle your prospecting, paperwork, phone calls, appointments, advertising, etc.
Not an easy choice by any means. Best wishes to all who are now in the process of choosing an assistant. I put an ad in the local paper for a real estate assistant, mentioned the pay range and a PO Box number to send their resume to. Never mentioned my name or company. I received at least 40 letters. Only one was a licensed Realtor who was tired of working as a Realtor. That is not the reason I hired her as I did interview many of the applicants. Just happened that Sue turned out to be very friendly, knowledgable and could work with me. Not an easy task. Ha ha.
If I can be of any assistance to you in your search for a real estate assistant please contact me at or through my website at anytime.


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