Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Camping in the Hot Summer in the Black Hills of South Dakota

Hi............It has been very HOT this past week. The Black Hills has even beat Phoenix, Arizona's high temps which is so strange and just not right. Business, generally has been slow. Real estate has been selling, but not at the usual rate for this time of year. When it is hot outside, people, I believe, just get lazy and want to stay inside where the air conditioning is.

But I faced the heat and went camping for the weekend at Whispering Pines Campground which is located not too far from Pactola Lake and Silver City. Trees provided shade from the sun so it really wasn't that hot. On Saturday a fire had started near Nemo Road which was about 10 miles from our campground. The smoke was rising high and blowing away from us, when suddenly the wind shifted and the smoke covered the campground, causing coughing, itchy eyes, etc. Then a blessing occured. It began to rain. The rain put the fire out, the wind shifted again and the smoke was gone.

So not even forest fires, smoke, or rain can take me away from my weekend activities. I am tough. Ha Ha. Another fire broke out in Box Elder in the past couple of days. All this talk about heat and fires, sure makes it inviting to come live in the Black Hills, right? The truth is, we are in a drought and with global warming, believe in it or not, the temps have been rising in the Hills the last 2 or 3 years. But one thing you can ALWAYS count on is a cool to chilly night. The temps fall 30 to 40 degrees and more by nightfall. That is the best thing of all.

I showed some real estate these last few days and the groups were from out of town. The first thing they say when they get out of the car in the hills is "can you smell that?" They are referring to the fragrant smell of pine trees that I take for granted and am so use to everyday, that I don't even smell it anymore. I am jealous of newcomers to the Black Hills. The Black Hills, Rapid City, Custer, Hot Springs, Sturgis, etc. have so much to offer folks coming from the cities and traffic and high taxes of other states.

Come visit the tranquil beauty of the Black Hills and enjoy the land for sale and homes for sale that we offer. You can check all of this out on my website at http://www.duanehosek.com/ anytime. Please give me a call at 605-391-8424 on my personal cell if you would rather talk than type. But if you enjoy sending a text message please do so to duanehosek@hotmail.com whenever you feel.

I enjoy sharing my life and work in the Black Hills and would love to hear your stories of your first visit to the Black Hills. I bet you were 10 years old on your first visit.......................LOL.


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