Thursday, July 19, 2007

Working with Real Estate Developments in the Black Hills of South Dakota

Today was a nice cool day again. Meaning in the 80's and a bit of rain here and there. Hill City in the central Black Hills had alot of hail damage yesterday with peach size hail breaking windshields, roof tops and tons of other damage. In Rapid City, there were just little tiny hail the size of 1/2 a pea.

Back to real estate. I spent the majority of the day trying to save a deal involving some acres around the Deadwood and Lead areas. I have an offer and a back-up and both want the beautiful piece for development. Just heard yesterday though, that developing that lot may be more work and harder to accomplish than anticipated.

The problem is the definition of a major subdivision (4 homes or more) and a minor subdivision (3 homes or less). The major subdivision requires an exit strategy meaning 2 ways in and out of the property. This is in case there were a fire in the Black Hills and you cannot leave the development one direction, so you have an option to exit from another direction to avoid the fire. I am working closely with the planning and zoning department for the county to see what can be done. Otherwise, I may lose both offers if this gorgeous piece of land cannot be subdivided.

Sometimes you have days like this in real estate where you spend the entire day trying to get something accomplished to save a deal. The sellers want to sell, the buyers want to buy, but still certain criteria need to be met. I am good at getting deals done using honesty, good ethics and lots of input from professionals. If I can be of any service to you please contact me at or check out my website at where you can find school info, city info, homes, land or commercial properties for sale here in the Black Hills.


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